I was introduced to the idea of getting my aura picture taken by a friend of mine who said it can be done at a jewelry store in the Chinatown neighborhood of New York City. Of course I was up for experiencing this and gaining a better understanding of what my “aura” is telling me, that I may or may not be aware of. Your aura can be described as your field of energy that surrounds your entire body, and is invisible to most people. Everything has energy, even atoms and molecules that are naked to the human eye. But this aura camera captures the colors of your aura that’s emitted by your chakras, or energy centers. Each of your seven chakras that are assigned a certain color, and the colors in your picture will reveal what’s currently going on in your life. The lighter the colors, the better, and if darker colors appear, then you’ll be given sage advice to ensure you’re happy and healthy.
When I went to get my aura picture taken for the second time this past weekend, I was less anxious that the first time around, and what’s interesting is that the colors in both pictures from this past July and last Sunday, were almost identical. The only difference was that I had a but more of darker colors appearing on Sunday. When you arrive to the store, there are beautiful crystals everywhere since it’s believed that each chakra can be healed or unblocked with the assistance from the energies of a certain crystal. When you have blocked chakras, it’s an indicator that there’s areas in your life you’re having challenges with.
In the small corner of Magic Jewelry’s store is where you take your picture. The camera looks antiquated, and it’s likely decades old, since it was originally invented in the 1930s (that’s how you know it’s the real deal from it’s authenticity). The woman who takes your picture asks you to sit down and place your hands on top of each hand mold atop two metal blocks that are attached to the camera through wires. It is believed that the energy released from your hands is a reflection of the energy being emitted from your entire body. Taking the picture is painless, quick and easy. The most interesting and lengthiest part of the experience is having one of the women go over what the colors in your picture reveal about you. The woman who described my aura wasn’t the same person when I went the first time, and she was still 100% on point again. Before review, she prefaced with giving me a brief understanding of each chakra. Here’s great article by mindbodygreen, to gain a better understanding of your energy centers: The 7 Chakras for Beginners

My aura pictures. On the left is from July 2016 and on the right is from September 11, 2016
She then starts off by telling me that my heart is open, I’m a very happy, optimistic person who works hard and brings passion to whatever it is that I pursue. But because I have light narrow colors within the yellow cloud, I’m having a challenging time bridging the gap between my goals. She said that there is currently a disconnect with my reality and achieving a goal I have in mind, and I need to figure out the solution to connect the two. I knew exactly what she was referring to and I believe I have found the solution a couple days ago 🙂 I had a different friend come along with me that day, who also took her aura picture, and her evaluation was completely accurate! The aura reader pointed things out about my friend’s current state that she was hiding well to the outside world. Although my friend didn’t appear or act tired, the woman pointed out that she’s working very hard and that she needs to rest or she will get sick. Later that day, my friend had planned on putting a presentation together for work, but because she got called out, she scheduled a massage instead. I also had another friend go separately to the shop the following day, after she saw my Instagram story of my visit, and her reading was also accurate. The woman said her aura was all over the place. Her picture showed that she has a lot of tension on her shoulders and throat, she over thinks, and that her heart is open and she’s trying to be happy, but she’s anxious.

My friend’s aura picture
Needless to say, I will be back again in October to Magic Jewelry for another picture. I would highly recommend getting your aura picture taken to see what kind of energy you’re emitting to the world. It’s a fun and unique experience, but I think it will help you get a better understanding of where you are in your life, and if anything needs to be corrected in order for you to be in a better place. Remember, being healthy isn’t all about the food you eat or supplements you take, it’s also your state of mind and body. That’s why I take a holistic approach to health, because what affects you emotionally or mentally can manifest itself and have an affect on you physically. I hope knowing that this resource is available to you, encourages you to explore other ways to become more aware of how you can make improvements in your life.
#naturalnadine #NNcertified #holisticinfluencer