About Me

Hello! My name is Nadine Balagot, welcome to my blog!

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Having been born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, known for its hippie culture, I was exposed to an alternative lifestyle most of my life: Eastern medicine, meditation, organic eating, connecting with mother nature on a daily basis, and constantly seeking balance. What most people would call “eccentricities” were normal for me.

And then I moved to New York City for work.  Home to everything opposite of San Francisco – with the exception of a few blocks in the East Village, New York City felt so different. But as the saying goes, you can take the girl out of California, but you can’t take California out of the girl!

My lifestyle in New York City wasn’t much different from how it was in San Francisco, yet I began to notice changes in my body that I had never experienced before. I spent a great deal of my time hypothesizing on the cause; maybe it was the change in environment, a difference in the water, anything, yet also waiting for it to eventually pass – but it didn’t. I developed skin and sinus issues, and before I knew it, it became uncomfortable to go about my daily life and was keeping me from enjoying all that New York City has to offer. I would see Western medicine doctors who prescribed me topical steroids and numerous medications, but they weren’t fixing the problem. At times the medications made me feel worse which led me to stop the prescription medications and take matters into my own hands. I tapped into my California “hippie-ness” seeking alternative remedies that would help me get better. I thoroughly researched organic beauty products made of pure ingredients, and did everything I could to become educated on toxic chemicals that are commonly found in the personal care aisles across pharmacies and beauty counters nationwide.

Several months into my efforts I began seeing some improvement with my issues externally, but I was far from satisfied. Internally, my body was not operating at its best. I knew I had to take things much further with a complete overhaul of my diet and lifestyle. I always knew that food is not only important for nourishment, but also for healing. I learned about inflammatory foods as well as those that are anti-inflammatory, and the importance of eating fewer processed foods was paramount. I became very label conscious, and more aware of the products to avoid because of the harmful ingredients that companies didn’t list on their labels.

Finally, after almost three years of research and A/B testing, my body reached a place where it is now thriving, and I feel the best I ever have in my life! After everything I’ve learned and discovered, I felt inclined to share this knowledge with my friends, family, and others.

This is why I decided to start Natural Nadine! My mission is to help you feel good and look good from the inside out without compromising your health. After my long journey to achieve better health, I realized that healing starts from within, which then manifests outwardly. The symptoms appearing externally, are usually signs urging you to heal at the root cause internally.

In this blog, I will be recommending only the purest and very best products, foods, recipes, supplements and wellness techniques. I want to be part of your health journey that will allow you live life to the fullest, and become a better version of yourself! More importantly, I encourage you to invest in your future by investing in your health today. I will assist you in a preventative approach designed to help you avoid further issues or complications that may prevent you from living the life you envision.

Thank you for your support and have a beautiful day.

With love,


“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” -Dalai Lama