Purpose and Meaning Behind Natural Nadine – John 3:16

When I was 16 years old, I lost my dad, John Simmons Balagot, to cancer. He was only 49 years young. My dad was my best friend, biggest supporter, and go-to person that I would turn to for advice. When I lost him forever, my world completely changed in so many ways, especially when it came to how I took care of myself and treated my body.MomandDad

I remember in the last few months of my dad’s life, he told me that his disease could have been prevented. I will never forget one of the many pieces of advice he gave that truly stuck with me, which was to “be careful what you put in and on your body, because it can affect your health”. After seeing him in pain and watching him change into someone I barely recognized from his body shutting down, I have conditioned myself to become more aware and knowledgeable of products, foods, and lifestyles that will sustain my health. When I went through losing a parent that I thought would be there for important milestones that have already happened or will happen in the future, I made a promise to myself to treat my body like a temple, and to nourish it with safe and beneficial ingredients. Health and wellness is something I became even more passionate about, and I found myself being the person that my friends and family turned to for getting advice on natural ways they can treat certain symptoms, achieve a desired look, or improve their overall well-being.

This is why I created Natural Nadine: to help you look good and feel good from the inside out without compromising your health. I want to spread the word at scale about preventative care that can help you and your loved ones live a long and fruitful life. From the personal care products you use, to the food you eat, or lifestyle you live, this can all play a factor in bolstering your health.

And today, I decided to launch this blog because it’s a very special day: March 16th is my dad’s birthday. He would have been 63 years old. And why John 3:16 as the theme behind this first post? Well, my dad was never religious until the last few months of his life, but his favorite bible verse that meant a lot to him was John 3:16. The verse says: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This verse is meaningful to me because although my dad is no longer here in physical form, his spirit continues to live on through his teachings, advice, and wisdom that I always carry with me. I believe that part of why I was driven to create this blog is because of what my dad taught me from what he learned when he was sick, and what he would have changed about his lifestyle to prevent a disease that took his life too soon.

I am hopeful that my experiences, tips, and knowledge will inspire you to embark on your own healthy journey. Thank you for the support and come back soon!

With love,


  1. Mattin Noblia
    March 17, 2016 / 9:27 pm

    First of all congratulations for launching this blog for personal wellness, I’m all in your favor & support of that, as you know I’ve been studying raw food for its nutritional value, have you heard of the truth about cancer? I’ve been following them. By the way I’m also really sorry you had to lose you dad of a cancer. My respect goes to him. I present you my condolences. What type of cancer did he had?

    • March 18, 2016 / 2:54 pm

      Thank you so much for the support! I have heard of it, and it’s very informative. This is why I firmly believe diet and lifestyle can influence our bodies and DNA as it’s already getting compromised from the environment. My dad’s cancer was in his lymph nodes, then spread to his lungs and liver.

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