Tips for Treating and Preventing the Common Cold

I recently got hit by the common cold, also known as an upper respiratory infection, that’s been circulating among my friends and New York City in general. I wanted to share how I quickly bounced back to health with all natural remedies that will rebuild your immune system, while alleviating the discomfort you may experience. Over the counter medicine contains active ingredients that can cause side effects to your organs. Instead of temporarily suppressing your symptoms with over the counter medicine, you can address the issue and heal yourself in the long run with foods that can be incorporated into your daily life for treatment or prevention.


Apple Cider Vinegar

According to Hippocrates (the Father of medicine), apple cider vinegar (ACV) is “a naturally occurring antibiotic and antiseptic that fights germs and bacteria” and would use it to treat his patients in 400 BC! Even Julius Caesar’s army drank it to stay healthy and fight off disease when they would travel across the world. Clearly, for centuries it’s been proven to keep our immune systems strong. When you experience congestion or discomfort in your ears nose or throat, ACV clears your sinus cavities and reduces your symptoms because the pH levels break down the mucus and open your airways. It also contains potassium and enzymes, has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, so it will assist in flushing out toxins from your body. Even more benefits of this elixir include clearing up skin conditions like acne, pimples, or eczema, and can boost your metabolism! I drink ACV everyday and start my morning with it. I pour 2-3 tablespoons of it into a glass with filtered water. If that’s too harsh for you, mix it in with tea or juice and add honey. I recommend buying the Bragg brand because it’s organic, unfiltered, unheated and unpasteurized. 


Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is very unique and different from regular honey because it has antibiotic and antibacterial qualities. It is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate a native manuka bush. Because of its antibacterial qualities, many studies have shown that it can ward off “super bugs” that have been resistant to traditional antibiotics. I have at least one spoonful everyday that I add to my tea, use as a breakfast topping, or consume straight from the jar since it tastes so good! I recommend buying the Wedderspoon brand since it’s 100% raw and non-GMO.


Ginger Root

Ginger is one of my favorite superfoods! It’s anti-inflammatory and promotes healthy sweating when you have a cold or flu, in order to detoxify the body. More importantly, it helps protect respiratory viruses. I like to drink ginger fresh from the juicer, or I’ll make ginger tea by chopping it up into small pieces and adding it to hot water. You’ll start to feel it clearing the airways (insert sigh of relief). 


Bone Broth

Remember that book, “Chicken Soup for the Soul”? Well, it’s also good for the body too. Bone broth contains minerals that our bodies can easily absorb, healing compounds, and amino acids that reduce inflammation in the respiratory system. This is something you should consider drinking not only when you’re sick, but everyday! It also contains collagen that can help with reducing wrinkles and eliminating cellulite. Talk about looking good and feeling good from the inside out!


Echinacea tea with Elderberry

Echinacea will help boost your immune system and when paired with elderberry, it’s a match made in cold and flu fighting heaven! Elderberry is a fruit that contains powerful antioxidants and are rich in vitamin C. I like to consume this in the tea form made by the Traditional Medicinals brand. I’ll let it steep in my mug for 10-15 minutes then mix in Manuka honey.


Be well this Spring season as our bodies adapt to the weather changes.





  1. ed lederman
    March 29, 2016 / 2:05 am

    Nice and beautifully wriiten – best ed

  2. ed lederman
    March 29, 2016 / 2:05 am

    Nice and beautifully wriiten – best ed

    • April 20, 2016 / 2:52 am

      Thanks again for your support, Ed 🙂 Best life coach ever!!

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