Cuffing Season is Upon Us. Here’s How To Prepare For It the Safe and Natural Way


Some of you might be wondering what “cuffing season” is. This term is more widely used in the east coast than west coast because the east experiences extremely harsh winters where you’re forced to stay indoors. Cuffing season essentially means staying inside your home when it’s really cold outside during the winter months,  and keeping yourself warm with a body next to you, irregardless if you’re in a committed relationship with them. You and that other body will either be engaging in cuddle sessions, or “Netflix and chilling”. Since no one wants to be isolated in their home to stay away from the cold weather, you may as well try to recruit an eligible suitor to spend time with. Here are my top Natural Nadine product picks to for successful recruiting  and engagement during “cuffing season”:


Buy a tongue cleaner: If you want to reduce or get rid of bad breath, also known as halitosis, I’d highly recommend incorporating this oral-hygiene practice into your daily morning and evening rituals. While we’re sleeping, our digestive system is still working by removing toxins from our bodies that get deposited to the top of our tongues. This is what causes bad breath, and according to dental research, brushing your tongue isn’t enough for removing toxins, bacteria or fungus, since almost half of it resides on our tongue’s tiny crevices. The white or non-red coating that you notice in the morning and evening before you brush are the toxic deposits. When you remove them with a tongue scraper, you can get deep in the back of your tongue where a lot of that bad breath resides. It’s painless, and definitely worth the minimal $7 investment for a Dr. Tung’s Tongue Cleaner. It will last you years and it’s very easy to clean. All you have to do quickly hand wash it with your bathroom soap, and then you can proceed with brushing and flossing!

Consume safer mints: Most commercial brands of mints and gum that you find at convenience stores are made with toxic ingredients like aspartame, carcinogenic sugars, artificial sweeteners, GMOs, preservatives, which is all basically stuff that can cause cancer, autoimmune diseases, birth defects, and diabetes to name a few. I personally don’t like chewing gum because of the side effects it can cause to your jaw, and the mixed messages it sends to your digestive organs. However, I discovered a safer mint by Spry that does the job, tastes good, is non-GMO, and has no artificial colors or preservatives! I know you’ll enjoy these so much 🙂


Drink peppermint tea: This tea is not only great for your digestive system, but it helps cure bad breath! I’ve written about it before in my post, My 7 Favorite Teas that are Good for your Skin and Bodyand I mention that is contains the herb, carminative. This herb helps move gas throughout the body to prevent bloating, cramping, and stomach discomfort. I’m a BIG fan of anything by the Traditional Medicinals brand, so I’d highly recommend buying their Peppermint tea.

Best of luck to you this cuffing season, and I hope you discover and enjoy some great movies on Netflix!

#naturalnadine #NNapproved #holisticinfluencer

1 Comment

  1. Brian Araujo
    November 16, 2016 / 9:03 pm

    My fiancee swears by peppermint tea! Thanks for the advice on natural, safer mints.

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